Watanabe Choro and Bagley Choro, goofing off!! Companions until this Thursday.
We were on the road all this week. After our Choro and Shimai got through emailing we drove the five and a half hours to Hiroshima. We arrived about 5:30 and checked Hikari Zone Leaders, Anderson and H. Watanabe Choro's apartment at 6:00. They did so good that we took them out for Okonomiyaki. We go to a cafe there that makes Bess's on rice so she can eat it. Sorry, no picture!
Tuesday we went to one of the District Meetings. We learned a lot about obedience from Elder Mitton, the District Leader. After District Meeting we went back to the Okonomiyaki cafe and treated the Hamada and Saijo Choro to lunch. We gave the Hamada Choro a ride home, about a two hour ride each way. After the checking their clean apartment we traveled back to the Toyoko Inn at Hiroshima for the night.
Everett, Okada, Strother, Reed, Mitton, and Bushman Choro and Miyagawa and Mueller Shimai. "The District."
Snow over the mountain to Hamada.
Hamada Choro, Reed and Strother.
Wednesday we checked three apartments, Yasufuruichi Choro and Shimai and Takasu Choro. They were all close by and had all cleaned very well.
Yasufuruichi Choro Okada and Everett were very fun to visit with in their clean new apartment.
Miyagawa and Mueller Shimai from the Yasufuruichi apartment wanted ice cream.
Mitton and Bushman, Takasu Choro, helped us find a dinner we could eat.
Young boy waiting for train to pass by.
Thursday we went to Mihara and Saijo. The apartments were so clean we were through early and decided to walk around the shopping mall before going back to the hard bed at the Inn.
Mihara Choro "new bean" Ikeda and his trainer Wada Choro. They enjoyed the bakery.
Evans and Farb Choro from Saijo.
Friday we scheduled extra time at Kure since this is a new apartment and we would need to shop for items they needed. The apartment is a great apartment and the Choro are keeping it clean.
Kure Choro, McKinney and Kano.
We then went on to Hatsukaichi where we visited with DeFreites Choro. He served several transfers in Kumamoto and we do miss him. He has a great companion Ikari Choro. DeFreites Choro told us his mission call to Japan said he was called to teach in Portuguese. While in Kure doing splits he met some people from Brazil! His MTC name tag was in Portuguese.
Hatsukaichi Choros Ikari and DeFreites filled their bag.
When finished with apartments we traveled to Iwakuni Marine Air Base for the night. A heated room and perfect bed. We also wanted to check in with Tomo to see how he was coming on reading the Book of Mormon. We missed him, he was working the graveyard shift.
There are miles of green houses on the north end of Kumamoto. Some are tall enough that there are trees growing in them. Fresh fruit and vegetables year round!
Saturday we traveled home only stopping for a few minutes at Costco. We got home just in time for Tom to go to Stake Priesthood meeting. Atu was presented to become an Elder in the Church and Tom had the privilege of conferring the Melchizedek Priesthood on him and ordaining him to the office of an Elder. Brother Oaks assisted Tom in this. Now in just a few short months Atu and his family can be sealed in the Temple for Time and All Eternity.
We learned this week that through obedience to God's laws we receive blessings. Through strict obedience we receive miracles. We need to be more obedient for we need several miracles.
Mom and Dad,
Grandma and Grandpa,
Bess and Tom
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