On Tuesday, the day before our Mini-Zone Conference we had a Zone P-day. We played softball and had 10 player on each team. The interesting thing about this was that over half of the missionaries had never played softball or baseball before! We played from noon until 2:30. There was not a cloud in the sky. Not sure why some missionaries were not blistered by the sun, but they weren't. The hardest part was finding a pitcher that could put the ball over the plate. So Tom was chosen to do the pitching. Bess couldn't get on base after he started to pitch so when the last two Shimai showed up she gladly gave up her place and picked up the camera. It was an enjoyable game. Every one hit the ball and ran the bases!
Hill Choro, Wow, did he connect with that one!
The changeable Tom. The old coaching days came back quickly.
Matsuhashi Shimai.
Kwon Choro, he has never played before.
Itu Shimai, she caught on quickly.
Abe Choro, Keeps us laughing constantly.
Clements, Iino and Zaico Choro. Zaico Choro dies this transfer.
Tsutamori Shimai. Not supposed to be in the sun.
Cleaning the field after playing.
Tuesday night we had our Japanese class with Maesawa Kyodai. We need to work harder! Today, Sunday, he came to Sacrament Meeting and passed the sacrament so maybe we won't work too hard.
Wednesday was Zone Conference. We spent the day transporting missionaries and learning how to help the members help the missionaries find people to teach. This is the key to missionary work and we need to work harder to do this.
Wednesday evening we taught Eikaiwa and was suprised when Mayumi-chan and Yoshi -kun came to our class. They helped Bess with a teaching moment about modest dressing. Koidai Bishippu just sat in the back of the class next to Tom holding a very straight face. Thank you Mayumi-chan and Yoshi-kun. Investigator and newly baptized.
Early morning Friday we were on the road to Miyakonojo down in the Kagoshima Zone for our maiden voyage. Somehow "Millie" the navi thought we needed to go north to Oita. We, thank Heaven, knew that wasn't right so we changed the setting to the Church in Miyakonojo and called the Choro to come find us there. They live about 200 feet from the Church which is a good thing as their fridge doesn't work and they have been storing their food at the Church. Nishio Choro at Honbu told them to go get a new one. They also needed two new study chairs, two futons and a fan. Some Choro are almost too good to be true, At least Stennett and R. Stratford Choro are. They were Celestial also.
Stennett and R. Stratford. Celestial!!
While we were inspecting there Rob called and told us the wonderful news that he had passed his Law Bar exam. He will be sworn in on Halloween Day. Yippee!!
The rain was coming down in torrents as we traveled east to Miyazaki to stay Friday night. We didn't see much of the country because of the rain. Saturday we checked Tsukamoto and Lemon Choro's apartment. Celestial! However they are being patient Choro, they have three of their four glass doors broken and taped up. A member told them that a earthquake caused the breaks. We will call Nishio Choro Monday to tell him.
Tsukamoto and Lemon Choro. Celestial!!
The Choro took us to the Shimai's apartment so we could mark it with the navi. Someone had a good time entering Kagoshima addresses in our navi!
Kobayashi and Shichijo Shimai were Celestial. We delivered their new whiteboard, bought ice cream and headed home in the rain.
Kobayashi and Shichijo Shimai. Celestial!!
We made it home in time to attend Setsu-kun and Nozomi-chan's wedding reception at 6:30 at the Church. What a difference in receptions from what we are used too. They showed videos of the Temple, sang Hymns, fed us all, over 200, good food and told stories of the Bride and Groom in their earlier years. This wonderful couple both served in the Sapporo Japan mission. We gave up and came home at 9:30 pm. The party didn't break up until after 11pm.
Nozomi-chan and Setsu-kun.
One of three tables of food.
We found a Club cab pickup. notice the size of it.
We love all of you and hope you will pray and read the Book of Mormon each day.
After each day we say "this was the funnest day ever"! Serving the Lord is very rewarding!
Mom and Dad,
Grandma and Grandpa,
The Christensens, Bess and Tom
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