Monday was the Relief Society's basket making class. Christensen Shimai really enjoys attending these classes. One of the Shimai at the class got a migraine and Christensen Shimai called and asked the Choro to give her a blessing. She was in a lot of pain. One of the RS Shimai drove her to the Hospital right after the blessing.
Christensen Choro thought he was a young buck and jumped the brick fence to keep up with the young Choro. They didn't scrape up their forearm and rack up their ankle! They also had on their P-day clothes, not dress pants and a shirt and tie.
We took Ito Shimai to the Sports Depot and helped her get a ping pong paddle. She lost hers and needed something different than the ones at the Church that are pretty beat up.
That night we played games with the Outreach kids. Talk about fun games without any equipment. This one was to turn to your neighbor and tell them, without either of you cracking a smile, that you love them and why.
Basket instructor Kay Goshi and Maesawa Shimai (just before the migraine hit.) Basket glue in the bottle. Can't find the glue at the 100Yen shop so wood glue will have to do.
French fries in a bag. Very good...need about 5 bags to get the equivalent of a small serving here in the States. 99Yen a bag, about $1.25.
Tuesday evening we started playing taxi for the out of town Missionaries for the Mini-Zone Conference on Wednesday. They all arrived safely!
We got a call early Wednesday morning and had to go taxi the Tsuboi Choro to Conference as they had a flat tire on one of their bikes. We learned alot at Conference and got to meet the new Couple Missionary that have been called to Omuta, Sakamoto Choro and Shimai. This is their third mission!
We made one run to the Bus Station right after the meeting, took a break to have lunch with some of the missionaries, handed out the gallon bag of Butterscotch chip cookies to the missionaries and then made another Bus Station run before hauling the Tsuboi Choro back across town. There is a store close to Tsuboi that is on a small scale something like Walmart and we made a "Walmart" run for groceries before coming home.
One transfer old Assistant to the President, Bingham Choro. Might be a relative on the Farr side? Cookies in both hands!
Jeffery Choro in back and outgoing AP Oshima Choro.
Buckingham, DeFreitas(premed student),Christensen, de Horras, Nascimento and Kim Choro on steps of Joyful restaurant.
Wednesday evening we enjoyed a wonderful time teaching Eikaiwa and playing games. Obayashi Choro gave the spiritual thought for the first time in English. He did sooo good and was all smiles afterwards.
We enjoyed a slow hot day on Thursday. We taught English that night and took a bottle of maple syrup and a thank you note to the Aoki family for the wonderful dinner the week before.
Friday morning we traveled to Sasebo Naval Base to buy flags for the USA Eikaiwa on July 6th. We also bought Root Beer for floats that night. We decided to retire Wally our oven and bought a new oven.
Wally's replacement in English! Have not named it yet, maybe after we get more familiar so we know if it is a she or a he.
We traveled to Fukuoka on the back roads. The scenery was spectacular!!! It is good to get off the Expressway and see the country some times.
Rice paddies on both sides of this graveyard that was just off the road.
Some of the scenery taken at 60 kilometers an hour as there are very few scenic turnouts.
That night we went to dinner at the Royal Host with Elder and Sister Rogers and President and Sister Margetts. We were celebrating the Rogers' 50th wedding anniversary.
Saturday we had breakfast with the Margetts and walked in the Botanical Garden just above the Temple until it was time to meet with President Asao Miyashita.
Botanical Garden---we were drenched in sweat by the time we got to the Temple.
We were set apart as New Ordinance Temple Workers by President Miyashita, attended a session and then were trained. We had to leave before the training was finished in order to make it back to Kumamoto to Atufenua and Simoea Maui's baptism. We made it there in time for the Shimai to use our computer to "tweak" the program. Brother Jerry Rogers, our Ward Mission Leader, was the transportation for the Maui family and they were a little late so Barraclough Shimai, Takahashi Shimai, (six years in voice training) and I had time to run through the Baptism song, When I am Baptized, twice! The Maui family do not speak Japanese, so we needed to sing it in English. There were several investigators there to watch the baptism. One more next Tuesday and again next Sunday!!
Atu, Simoea, Josephine(baby), Tiute and Atu's cousin Katoa Sailusi. Little Mauiron was off playing with friends.
Double Zone Conference Picture Adachi Fufu(couple) second & third from front left, Pres. & Sister Margetts, Sister & Elder Aoyagi(2nd Quorum of Seventy), Christensen Fufu and Aps Oshima & Bingham Choro.
This week we have seen several examples of people that are now living the Gospel and the difference in their countenance. They now have a light about them. It is so exciting to see people with this light as they obey and live the commandments and so heart wrenching to see when they don't. May we each live worthy to have the Light of Christ shine in our countenance.
Elder and Sister Christensen
Mom and Dad
Grandpa and Grandma
Friend and Neighbor